Ludum Dare #38 Entry

Sling Ship: Search For A Small World:

Is a about an small exploration space-ship from Earth (our Small World), that was sucked into a black whole on an expedition. With limited power, and only a tractor beam to assist in the journey, the ship and crew must jump between black holes in hopes of making their way back home.


  • 6 levels with open ended solutions
  • Utilize your tractor beam, and the gravity of planets to make your way across each level
  • Your ship will be destroyed if you crash into any planets/asteroids
  • You can tractor beam planets but not asteroids (there's 3 asteroids in the first level)
  • Game Over if you go outside the play space (unless you're currently latched to a planet)
  • Time is limited (Game Over for that level if it reaches zero)
  • Beam is limited (But no auto-loss if you run out)
  • NOTE: I ensured I was able to pass each level before saving (some are pretty easy, some pretty tough)


Mouse-Click/Tap once to fire tractor beam at a planet


  • Think about different level designs based on how the planets react
  • Create a level editor
  • Improve the position of the Tractor Beam (on moving planets I attached to centre rather than exterior of planet)
  • Improve sound
  • Implement Score after each level (maybe based on Time Left + Tractor Beam left)
  • Create a high score system
  • Improve the UI (minimalist maybe)
  • Improve how the game looks on mobile (all the UI is very small)

About Me (brief):

I've been playing around with Unity in my spare time for the last 6 months or so. This is my first ever 'complete' game, and I'm proud to have done it in just over 48 hours. This was a challenge, and I found that just getting rolling was one of the hardest parts. I actually started developing two different games through the 48 hours, and what they had in common was utilizing gravity and joint/rope physics. I'm very happy with the result, and hope you enjoy!

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