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Cool idea! Just 1 implementation nit: Changing direction on keypress instead of on update means that you can mash 2 direction keys to travel diagonally very fast.


amazing concept, I think it could use some more interesting upgrades, like maybe special segments, but the idea is great!


Very fun game!

I think the game would benefit from adding a button that, if held down, speeds up the game to 2x, as sometimes, especially at start, the game feels a bit slow, and sometimes you are just waiting for your snake  to keep moving forward and finally reach a certain circle or square on screen.

Also, I think changing the game's step-based movement to a more "continuous" movement, meaning you see the snake slowly moving from a tile to another instead of seeing it snapping onto it, would make the controls feel more responsive (sometimes I find it difficult to turn exactly where I want to).

Other than those minor fixes, the game is already pretty fun to play, adding some more powerup types and variety would make it even better :D


Hi Vladis, I appreciate you taking the time to provide thoughtful feedback. Here are some thoughts, based on what you've provided:

- Slow Starting Movement: I think the key point here is that movement in the beginning is slow. 2x could be a solution, but I'd love to keep the movement scheme simple (i.e. just WASD). Though perhaps pushing "forward" would provide some sort of temp boost in the forward direction, and maybe a cooldown. I'll explore that option!

- Continuous Movement: I feel like this would change the vibe of the game a bit, but I'm curious how it would feel so I'll give it a go behind the scenes and test it out. I would also need to adjust where 'spawns' / 'drops go (right now they're on the grid). The grid based, time based movement comes with it's own challenges too, including weird timings sometimes when turning/moving.

- Adding Powerups: I think this is the next big push. Trying to figure out what powers would feel best, and would add variety / trade-offs. I'm open to ideas too!


Like the game and the gameplay. I think the controls are not precise enough, because of a delay (sluggish response) it's quite hard to time your turn precisely. This makes it less fun to play.


Most comments on Itch and Reddit were about movement. I've updated the Movement as of today [2023-11-19] to 'turn' the snake immediately. It definitely feels snappier, and creates a bug feature of being able to turn repeatedly to move quickly, since it resets the movement timer.

I'm curious what everyone thinks! There's probably some small tweaks that could make it even better!


Waaaay better this way! Nice! And indeed, I made good use of the quick diagonal movement ;)


Love it. Thanks for the followup feedback!


Viper Survivors Gameplay

Using app to download and install I encounter this error on launch:

"Unable to parse Build/WebGL_V26.framework.js.gz! This can happen if build compression was enabled but web server hosting the content was misconfigured to not serve the file with HTTP Response Header "Content-Encoding: gzip" present. Check browser Console and Devtools Network tab to debug."

I used my browser to play instead, not sure if the game is intended to be downloadable in this way.


As far as feedback, I liked the game, I wish there were more powerups and more kinds of enemies. Turning felt a little sluggish for Snake, I would struggle to make a tight turn as if there is an input delay preventing me. I really liked the visual style, I think it benefits from a simple but colorful aesthetic. With a larger play area this could also be tons of fun with 2 players!

Great feedback, solid ideas. I might play around with a bigger battlefield, or perhaps one that expands as the game goes on and the snake grows. 2 players would be super interesting as well! I've been improving the turning since it's first iteration, but I have a couple ideas of how to improve it even more. Thanks for taking the time to respond 😊

Hi, it's currently only supposed to be playable on webgl. I could make a windows build easy enough. I'm suprised that it even gave the option to download!

(1 edit) (+1)
  1. tail pew pew

    1. two homing missiles targets same enemy
    2. tutorial on restart

    1. add pause
    2. target diff. enemies or ripple-fire-mode for missiles. 
    3. more localized enemy spawn sources
    4. speed boost ability/food-bonus?

A long time ago I make game like this but with more food variations. It's better exp. if any new objects (especially enemies or hurting) spawns at some dist. from head account move direction.